New Y Scale The new vertical scaling parameters is entered by the user in the text box to the right. New X Scale The new horizontal scaling parameters is entered by the user in the text box to the right. User Y Scale This editable text box is the location that the user enters the desired vertical scale value. Current Y Scale This value is the fractal’s current vertical scale. Current Y Scale Label The fractal’s current vertical scale is displayed to the right. Y Scale Radio (selected) This radio button informs the program that the entered value is the actual vertical scale. This item is currently selected. Y Scale Radio This radio button informs the program that the entered value is the actual vertical scale. Y Fraction Radio (selected) This control informs the program that the scale degree is a fraction of the current scale. This control is currently selected. Y Fraction Radio This control informs the program that the scale degree is a fraction of the current scale. Y Percentage Radio (selected) This control informs the program that the scale degree is a percentage. This item is currently selected. Y Percentage Radio This control informs the program that the scale degree is a percentage. Y Scale These controls alter the value of the vertical fractal scale. User X Scale This editable text box is the location that the user enters the desired horizontal scale value. Current X Scale This value is the fractal’s current horizontal scale. Current X Scale Label The fractal’s current horizontal scale is displayed to the right. X Scale Radio (selected) This radio button informs the program that the entered value is the actual horizontal scale. This item is currently selected. X Scale Radio This radio button informs the program that the entered value is the actual horizontal scale. X Fraction Radio (selected) This control informs the program that the scale degree is a fraction of the current scale. This control is currently selected. X Fraction Radio This control informs the program that the scale degree is a fraction of the current scale. X Percentage Radio (selected) This control informs the program that the scale degree is a percentage. This item is currently selected. X Percentage Radio This control informs the program that the scale degree is a percentage. X Scale These controls alter the value of the horizontal fractal scale. Zoom Dialog Box This dialog box permits the user to select the degree to zoom the current fractal. After selecting the zoom amount, press 'OK'.